Workplace workshops
Our bespoke workshops are designed to meet the needs of the time within your workplace.
Discover Nic’s Transformative Speaking and Workshops
Born from a steadfast commitment and enriched by decades of global exploration, Nic’s vision became a mission: to nurture ‘calm superstars’. These are the individuals and teams of today who manoeuvre through demanding environments with unique grace, serenity, and efficacy.
Over 20 years of unwavering dedication, Nic has traversed the globe inspiring audiences from various sectors with her empowering workshops and immersive retreats. Drawing from a wealth of international experiences, she has crafted four signature programs, each a transformative journey. These sessions go beyond mere performance enhancement; they are about achieving excellence while radiating inner strength, a unique combination that defines a ‘calm superstar’.
When Nic takes the stage, it’s not just excitement that fills the room it’s an awakening. Renowned for her ability to ignite inspiration while instilling calm, she catalyzes deep reflection and meaningful action. It’s this balance that distinguishes her, her sessions not only spur motivation but also ensure lasting inner harmony.
Nic’s involvement doesn’t conclude when the lights fade. She continues to collaborate post-session, assisting in the creation of tangible metrics and objectives to gauge the lasting impact of her teachings. Join us where the journey toward empowerment isn’t just a momentary experience but a beginning of a profound transformation.

Creating Calm Superstars with Nic’s Sessions

How Calm Down Before You Blow Up
Learn the scientifically backed tactics that help you stay calm under pressure

Th 2 M’s To A Happy Workplace
Learn how to incorporate movement & meditation into your everyday worklife, for a happier and more productive day.

Corporate Meditation Course
Learn the practice of Vedic Meditation with your work colleagues and create a more peaceful and harmonious work-life.
Book a call NOW!
Gain the understanding, clarity and direction you’ve been looking for.